How to Help the AAPI Community
On March 16, 2021, a series of shootings took place in several spas in Atlanta. Eight people were killed and six of them were Asian American women. Earlier this month, an 84-year old Thai man was murdered in an unprovoked attack in San Francisco. A 61-year old Filipino American was slashed in the face with a box cutter while riding the subway. These were just a few of the 500+ anti-hate incidents that have taken place in 2021 alone.
The surge in violent attacks against the Asian community these past few months have been completely heartbreaking for me and I am at a total lost for words. It feels as if I am waking up to a new tragedy against the Asian community EVERYDAY. I fear for my parents’ safety and even my own whenever I walk outside my house. I have been constantly reminding my parents, who are both in their mid-60s, to please be extra careful and to stay vigilant when they are going out for errands or buying groceries. I have been asking them to please stay home and to not leave their home past 8 p.m. It is absolutely devastating to have to live with this much fear in this day and age and no one should have to live like this period.
THIS NEEDS TO STOP. Please Stop Asian Hate. Please include Asians in your Anti-Racism and Activism.
Here are some easy steps we can all take to help the AAPI community right now.
A simple “hello” and “how are you” can go a long way. Reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone you know that may be impacted by the recent uptick in hate crimes against individuals of Asian decent. Lend them your ears and let them know that they have your support and care.
If you are witnessing someone verbally or violently attacking an Asian/Asian American, please do not just stand by and watch or walk away. Many of the violent attacks have been against the elderly, who have been alone and just going about their daily lives. Consider signing up for a free bystander intervention training to become more confident in intervening the next time you witness disrespect of harassment. I am looking forward to mine on April 2 @ 5 p.m. EST.
I remember when the pandemic first began, many people were afraid to order food from Asian restaurants for fear of getting the virus from Asians. The POTUS at the time was more busy with spreading misinformation about the virus than protecting citizens and continuously referred the virus as the “China flu” and “Kung flu virus”.
The overall restaurant industry was hit extremely hard during the pandemic and many restaurants have done an outstanding job adapting to the constantly changing dining restrictions. If you are in the mood for any Asian cuisine please do not be “afraid” to eat there. Some of my frequent spots in Queens are Asian Jewels, Mad for Chicken, Song’s Kimbap, Kin’d, Xing Fu Tang (best bubble tea).
Welcome to Chinatown has a great list of small businesses in Manhattan’s Chinatown you can help support.
GoFundMe – Donations will go to the organizations that are working to empower and uplift the AAPI community. Help reach the $5,000,000 goal (we’re almost there!)
68 Ways to Donate in Support of Asian Communities – New York Magazine has curated a great list organizations to donate, from victim memorial funds to community-enrichment and restoration organizations.
Welcome to Chinatown – A grassroots initiative to support New York City’s Chinatown businesses and amplify community voices.
Educate yourself on the wide Asian-American experience. “Not all Asians are Chinese.” Read a book written by an Asian author or watch a movie or show featuring an Asian cast or director.
Here is a list of some of my favorites featuring Asian representation.
Raya and the Last Dragon
The Farewell
Crazy Rich Asians
Kim’s Convenient Store
Little Fires Everywhere
The Joy Luck Club
Convenient Store Woman
Everything I Never Told You
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning